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& Documentation

Technical, short-form guides on how to set up and use the app.

New to Salina

Welcome to Salina - your AI thought partner ready to help you with all your needs!

Request New Features

Let us know what features you would like to see in Salina in the coming months.

Video Module

Ask questions and get expert AI insights, unlocking knowledge from what you watch.


Personalize your assistant, and build a dream team of Agents with Salina's custom agent creation tools.

Web Search

Salina's advanced web browsing capabilities help you utilize the power of knowledge from across the web.

Chat with Document

Salina delves into documents that unlock the full potential of your information.


Tap into a world of knowledge, and unleash your potential with Salina, your personal AI assistant.

Learn Module

Salina's Learn Module tailors learning materials and suggests resources based on your interests.

Image Generation

Let Salina turn your words into artistic expression with Salina’s image generation.